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Thomas de Aquino ByzantinusScholastic thought in Late Byzantium is an area which remains largely unexplored. The influence of Thomas Aquinas' (1225-74) writings on Byzantine intellectual circles, both Latinophile and Orthodox, has recently attracted revived interest among scholars. The project aims to contribute to the scholarly discussion by producing the source material for the study of this important subject, namely critical editions of Greek translations of, and commentaries on, various works by Thomas Aquinas composed by Byzantine scholars and theologians between the late thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. The majority of these texts remain hitherto unpublished, or partially edited, or published on the basis of a limited number of manuscripts, often lacking information on sources cited therein. Following standard modern methodology, the critical editions, prepared by doctoral students and scholars participating in our project, are based on all extant manuscripts; they comprise a short introduction on the text and the manuscript tradition, while the text is accompanied by an apparatus fontium identifying sources and an apparatus criticus recording all palaeographical and textual phenomena. An index verborum, an index locorum and facsimiles of selected folios of the extant manuscripts are also included. The editions of these texts will shed more light on the philosophical and theological dialogue among distinguished scholars and theologians in the Greek East and the Latin West in a period of intensive intellectual creativity. In this sense, the publication of these texts, in both printed and electronic form, will become an indispensable tool for scholars and students of Byzantine and Western European history and thought. Host Institutes
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ContentsT/B = Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrenzender Gebiete. Band I-III. 2., völlig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Herausgegeben von R. Schönberger, A. Quero Sánchez, B. Berges und L. Jiang unter Mitarbeit von A. Schönfeld SJ, Berlin 2011 PLP = Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit. Erstellt von E. Trapp unter Mitarbeit von H.-V. Beyer, R. Walther und anderen, 1976-1996. Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Byzantinistik. Vol. 1-12, Add. 1-2. Bearbeitet von Ch. Gastgeber, Vienna 2001 Series prima: Thomas de Aquino GraecusVol. I: Summa contra Gentiles (T1450-600) cum Bernardi Guidonis Vita S. Thomae Aquinatis (B1740-70), capp. 53-54; versio Demetrii Cydonis (PLP 13876)
Vol. II: Summa theologiae (T1450-540); versio Demetrii Cydonis (PLP 13876) ac Prochori Cydonis (PLP 13883)
Vol. III: Quaestiones
Vol. IV: Opuscula apologetica et polemica
Vol. V: Opuscula philosophica
Vol. VI: Commentaria in Aristotelem
Vol. VII: Opuscula symbolica et liturgica
Vol. VIII: Compendia, florilegia, extracta
Series altera: Thomas de Aquino a Byzantinis receptusVol. I: Demetrii Cydonis (PLP 13876) Defensio Sancti Thomae Aquinatis adversus Nilum Cabasilam. In Appendice: Nili Cabasilae De processione Spiritus sancti, Pars III: Quod impossibile est Latinos syllogismis utentes Spiritum sanctum ex Filio procedere demonstrare (ed. D. Searby) Vol. II: Demetrii Chrysolorae (PLP 31156) Refutatio operis Demetrii Cydonis “Contra Nilum Cabasilam” sub forma dialogi, in quo auctor ipse cum personis Thomae Aquinatis, Nili Cabasilae et Demetrii Cydonis loquitur (ed. V. Pasiourtides) Vol. III: Prochori Cydonis (PLP 13883) De essentia et operatione Dei (ed. Ch. Triantafyllopoulos / V. Pasiourtides) Vol. IV: Matthaei Angeli Panareti (PLP 21649) Contra Thomae, auctoris Latini, de processione Spiritus sancti argumenta; De loco ignis purgatorii contra Thomam Aquinatem (ed. M.-H. Blanchet) Vol. V: Callisti Angelicoudis (PLP 145) seu Meleniciotae Contra Thomae, auctoris Latini, librum sub praetextu “Contra Gentiles” scriptum (ed. J.A. Demetracopoulos) Vol. VI: Andreae Chrysobergae (PLP 31106) Apologia ad Bessarionem pro Thomae Aquinatis scriptis de divina essentia et operatione (ed. J. Monfasani) Vol. VII: Marci Eugenici (PLP 6193) De resurrectione Vol. VIII: Georgii Scholarii - Gennadii II (PLP 27304) De divina providentia et praedestinatione tractatus I-II (ed. I. Kassidis) Vol. IX: Ioannis Gatti Notata in librum secundum Georgii Trapezuntii ‘Comparationis Philosophorum’ (ed. J. Monfasani). In appendice: Loci diversi ex Thomae de Aquino scriptis apud Bessarionis opera (ed. P.C. Athanasopoulos) Vol. X: Loci diversi ex Thomae de Aquino scriptis graece translatis a nonnullis auctoribus Byzantinis aut explicite aut implicite laudati (Simon Constantinopolitanus; Manuel Moschopoulos; Nilus Cabasilas; Nicolaus Cabasilas; Manuel Corinthius; Prochorus Cydones; Demetrius Cydones; Manuel Calecas; Joseph Bryennius; Marcus Eugenicus; Macarius Macres; Manuel II Palaiologus; Georgius Scholarius - Gennadius II; Georgius Gemistus cognomine Pletho; Bessarion; Matthaeus Camariotes et al.) Further InformationFor further information on the project please contact Assist. Prof. John A. Demetracopoulos, Editor, "Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus", Laboratory of Humanities, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Primary Education, University of Patras, Archimedes Street, Building 7, Rion 26504, Patras, Greece, tel: +30 2610 969776; or Dr Charalambos Dendrinos, Director, The Hellenic Institute, History Department, Royal Holloway, University of London.
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