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Steering Group
- Professor Paul Hogg, Vice Principal Research & Enterprise, Chairman of the Hellenic Institute Steering Group
- Professor Katie Normington, Vice Principal Staffing and Dean of Arts and Social Sciences Faculty
- Professor Sarah Ansari, Head of History Department
- Professor Boris Rankov, Head of Classics Department
- Dr Charalambos Dendrinos, Director of the Hellenic Institute
- Mr Michael Heslop, Representing the Friends of the Hellenic Institute
- Mrs Edmée Leventis, OBE
- Professor Emeritus Richard Clogg, GCOH
- Professor Francis Robinson, CBE
- Dr George Vassiadis, Deputy Director of the Hellenic Institute
Associated Staff
- Professor Richard Alston, BA, PhD: Roman history, especially Roman Egypt; urbanism in the ancient world; Roman army
- Professor Veronica Della Dora, BA, PhD: Cultural and historical geography; landscape studies; history of cartography; Byzantine and post-Byzantine sacred geographies
- Charalambos Dendrinos, MA, PhD (Senior Lecturer): Byzantine literature and Greek palaeography; editing and transmission of Byzantine texts
- David Gwynn, MA, DPhil (Reader): Late Antique history and theology
- Professor Jonathan Harris, MA, PhD: Byzantine history, 1000-1453; Byzantium and the West, especially during the Crusades and the Italian Renaissance
- Richard Hawley, MA, DPhil (Senior Lecturer): Greek literature, especially drama; Greek social history; women in classical antiquity; later Greek literature
- Professor Peregrine Horden, MA: Byzantine medicine; the Mediterranean world
- Professor Ahuvia Kahane, MA, DPhil: Cultural theory; Greek literature, especially Homer and the epic tradition; genre and literary history
- Aikaterini Kolotourou, PhD (Teaching Fellow): Greek history and archaeology
- Christos Kremmydas, MA, PhD (Lecturer): Greek rhetoric and oratory (especially Demosthenes); Athenian political and social history (especially law); Greek papyrology
- Nick Lowe, MA, PhD (Reader): Greek and Latin literature, especially comedy; Greek religion
- Jari Pakkanen, BA, PhD (Senior Lecturer): Greek archaeology and Architecture; the methodology of architectural reconstructions
- Professor Boris Rankov, MA, DPhil: Greek triereme project; Roman history; archaeology of the Roman Empire
- Professor Francis Robinson, MA, PhD: Greek influence on Islamic thought
- Professor Lene Rubinstein, MA, PhD: Athenian social history; Athenian oratory and law; papyrology; Roman Egypt
- Professor Anne Sheppard, MA, DPhil: Greek philosophy, especially Neoplatonism; ancient literary criticism
- Efi Spentzou, MA, DPhil: Reception of the classical tradition, especially in modern Greece; classics and modern critical thought
- Polymnia Tsagouria, MA, PhD (Tutor seconded by Greek Ministry of Education): Modern Greek language, literature and culture
- George Vassiadis, MA, PhD (Lecturer): Modern Greek History; Anglo-Hellenic Relations; Greek Diaspora
- Professor David Wiles, MA, PhD: Greek and Roman theatre; masks in Greek theatre; issues relating to performance space
- Barbara Zipser, PhD (AHRC Research Fellow): Byzantine manuscripts; Greek medicine; history of texts
Research Associates
- Samuel Barnish, MA, DPhil (former Lecturer): Early Christianity; transformation of the Roman world; Italy in the fifth and sixth centuries AD; Cassiodorus
- Lia Chisacof, PhD (Honorary Research Associate): Post-Byzantine studies; Greek palaeography; modern Greek language and literature; Greek authors in the Romanian principalities (18th-20th c.)
- John Demetracopoulos, MA, PhD (Research Associate): Byzantine philosophy and theology, editor-in-chief of "Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus Project"
- Laura Franco, MA, PhD (Research Associate): Byzantine literature and hagiography, editions of Byzantine texts, Greek palaeography
- Michael Heslop, MA (Honorary Research Associate): The defence system of Rhodes in the medieval period
- Kostas Kalimtzis, PhD (Honorary Research Associate): Greek philosophical and political thought
- John Karabelas, MA, PhD (Research Associate): Post-Byzantine and modern Greek historiography
- Hieromonk Chrysostomos Koutloumousianos (Stavrides), PhD (Research Associate): Orthodox theology and ecclesiology; Orthodox and Irish spirituality
- Georgios Liakopoulos, MA, PhD (Research Associate): Ottoman Epigraphy and Palaeography, Historical Geography, the Greek world in the Ottoman Empire.
- Anthony Luttrell, MA, DPhil (Honorary Research Associate): the Knights Hospitaller on Rhodes and Malta; the Greek population of Rhodes in the Medieval Period
- Nikolaos Moschonas, MA, PhD (Professor Emeritus, Honorary Research Fellow): Greek and Latin palaeography; Byzantine relations with Western Europe.
- Fevronia Nousia, MA, PhD (Research Associate): Byzantine literature and education; editions of Byzantine texts; Greek palaeography
- Konstantinos Palaiologos, MA, PhD (Research Associate): editions of Byzantine texts; Orthodox theology; Greek palaeography
- Vasos Pasiourtides, MA, PhD (Research Associate): editions of Byzantine texts; Orthodox theology; Greek palaeography
- Nil Palabiyik-Pektas, MA, PhD (Honorary Research Associate): history of the Greek book in the post-Byzantine and early modern period; Greek communities in the Ottoman Empire
- Philip Taylor (Honorary Research Associate): Porphyrogenitus Project, TeX editing; electronic editions of Byzantine texts
- Christos Triantafyllopoulos, MA, PhD (Research Associate): editions of Byzantine texts; Orthodox theology; Greek palaeography
- Christopher Wright, MA, PhD (Honorary Research Associate): Greek and Latin palaeography; editing of Greek texts; history of Byzantium and the Latin East
Visiting scholars
- Annaclara Cataldi Palau, MA, PhD (Visiting Professor): Greek palaeography
- Richard Clogg, MA, DPhil (Professor Emeritus and Visiting Professor): Modern Greek history
- Costas N. Constantinides, MA, PhD (University of Ioannina): Byzantine education, history and literature; Greek palaeography
- Sophia Kapetanaki, MA, PhD (Assistant Professor, University of the Peloponnese): Byzantine literature and Greek palaeography
- Andreas Meitanis, MA, PhD (Zurich International School): Byzantine literature and society; Greek palaeography
- Apostolos Spanos, MA, PhD (Assistant Professor, Agder University College, Norway): Byzantine history, literature and political ideology; Greek palaeography