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MPhil/PhD Research
The Hellenic Institute offers supervision of doctoral research in a wide range of topics. Those applying to embark on research at the Institute in the new academic year may be considered for our Postgraduate Studentships, which will cover tuition fees at UK/EU rate for one year.
The following students are currently conducting MPhil/PhD research in Hellenic subjects at the Departments of History, Classics and Drama & Theatre:
- Sandor Aladics (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Aristotle and the Atomists on the nature of space.
- Sofia Alagkiozidou (PhD, Classics), Existential and political agony in Sophocles, Trachiniae and its dramatic reception. Supervisor: Ahuvia Kahane
- Maria Argyrou (PhD, History), The printed Greek book production and trade in the eastern Mediterranean in the sixteenth century: the case of the editio princeps of St Basil’s Συγγράμματά τινα. Opera quaedam beati Basilii Caesariensis episcopi by Stefano de Sabio (Venice, 1535). Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos
- Antiopi Argyriou-Casmeridis (MPhil/PhD, Classics), The concept of Aretē in Hellenistic inscriptions. Supervisor: Lene Rubinstein
- Katie Billotte (PhD, Classics), La sangre francesa y el alma griega: France and the contemporary reception of Greek Tragedy in Latin America. Supervisor: Ahuvia Kahane
- Carolyn Bowyer (PhD, Classics) Echoes of the Salpinx: The lone trumpeter and the trumpet in the ancient Greek world. Supervisor: Richard Hawley
- Toby Bromige (PhD, History), Strangers in a foreign land: the assimilation and alienation of the Armenians in the Byzantine Empire c.950-1084. Supervisor: Jonathan Harris
- David Bullen (PhD, Drama & Theatre), Inventing Dionysus: The Significance of Women in the Modern British Performance History of Euripides's Bacchae.
- Georgios Chatzelis (PhD, History), The Sylloge Tacticorum and the development of Byzantine warfare in the tenth century. Supervisor: Jonathan Harris
- James Cook (MPhil/PhD Classics), Thersites and the Voice of the Subaltern in ancient Greek epic poetry.
- Andriana Domouzi (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Fragments of Euripides, Melanippe. Supervisor: Richard Hawley
- Niccolò Fattori (MPhil/PhD, History), Identity and integration in the Greek community of Ancona in the sixteenth century. Supervisor: Jonathan Harris
- Daniel Goad (MPhil/PhD, Classics) Performance reception of Aristophanes. Co-supervisors: Nick Lowe and Edith Hall (KCL)
- Robert Heller (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Unifying the Stoic System: the concept of time in Stoicism
- Edward Humphreys (PhD, Classics), Epictetus on Anger. Supervisor: Anne Sheppard
- Stavroula Kiritsi (PhD, Classics), Menandrian Characters in Context. Co-supervisors:Anne Sheppard and Chris Carey (UCL)
- Michael Konstantinou-Rizos (PhD, History), An edition of Prochoros Cydones' (ca. 1330-1369/71) unpublished Greek translation
of Thomas Aquinas' Quaestiones disputatae de potentia
and Quaestio disputata de spiritualibus creaturis. Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Anne Sheppard. External Advisor: John Demetracopoulos (Patras)
- Photis Loizou (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Philotimia in Classical and Hellenistic Greece. Co-supervisors: Lene Rubinstein and Richard Hawley
- Peter Long (PhD, Classics), The role of guarantors in agreements involving the city-state in ancient Greece. Supervisor: Lene Rubinstein
- Beverley Lunn (PhD, Classics), Aristotle’s Poetics and Modern American Screenwriting. Supervisor: Nick Lowe
- Stephanie Magowan (MPhil/PhD, Classics), The development of psychological thought in early Greek philosophy and medicine.
- Elliot Mason (MPhil/PhD, History), An annotated edition of the unpublished metaphrasis of St. John of Sinai’s Ladder of Divine Ascent by Matthaios Blastares. Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Christos Kremmydas.
- Brian McLaughlin (PhD, History), An annotated translation of Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos, History, Book III. Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Anne Sheppard. External Advisor: Ruth Macrides (Birmingham)
- Alexandra Melita (PhD, History), Magic and healing and the Greeks in seventeenth-century Venice. Supervisor: Sandra Cavallo
- Andria Michael (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Antigone on the modern Greek stage. Supervisor: Ahuvia Kahane
- Peter Olive (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Incest and the Greek Imagination.
- Stephen Pearce (MPhil/PhD, History), What happened to the Late Roman Army in the Notitia Dignitatum? Supervisor: Jonathan Harris
- Richard Potter (MPhil/PhD, Classics), The reception of the Greek tragic chorus in British and American television, 1970-1999.
- Christina Pouros (PhD, Classics), Mythological murderous women in Greek and Roman drama and poetry: consequences and punishments. Supervisor: Richard Hawley
- David Preston (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Plato and Greek comedy. Supervisor: Anne Sheppard
- Judith Rice (PhD, Classics), Plato and Memory. Supervisor: Anne Sheppard
- Robin Shields (MPhil/PhD, History), The Tocchi Lordship in the Medieval Balkans. Supervisor: Jonathan Harris
- Will Shuler (PhD, Theatre & Drama), The Teaching Theatre of Ancient Athens.
- Stephen Smith (MPhil/PhD, Classics), Greek architectural forms in Republican Rome. Supervisor: Amanda Claridge
- Panayiotis Tofis (PhD, History), Libraries in Thessalonike in the Palaeologan period (1246-1430). Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: David Gwynn.
- Aaron Turner (MPhil/PhD, Classics), The role of the individual in Thucydides.
- Jenny Winter (MPhil/PhD, Classics) The Rhetoric of Leadership in Xenophon. Supervisor: Lene Rubinstein
- Magdalena Zira (MPhil/PhD, Drama & Theatre), Approaches to the Chorus in Greek Theatre Performance: Community and Ritual
Successfully completed theses (2001-present):
- + David Bennett, Xenonica: Medical texts associated with hospitals in the late Byzantine period (Supervisor: Peregrine Horden. Advisor: J. Chrysostomides) - PhD (2003)
- Mike Carr, Motivations and Response to Crusades in the Aegean, 1302-1348 (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD (2011)
- Matt Cawson, The Mask and the Self: A historical explanation into the ways in which the phenomena of selfhood and the theatrical mask can illuminate each other - PhD
- Nikolaos Chrissis, Crusading in Romania: A Study of Byzantine-Western Relations and Attitudes, 1204-1276 (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD (2008)
- Stella Chrysochoou, The Chartographical Tradition of Claudius Ptolemaeus' Γεωγραφική Ὑφήγησις in the Palaeologan Period and the Renaissance (13th-15th century) (Co-supervisors: + Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos. External advisor: Professor Malcolm Wagstaff) - PhD (2010)
- Laura Franco, A Study of the Metaphrastic Process: an annotated critical edition of the Vita of Saint Hilarion, and the Passiones of Saints Iakovos and Platon by Symeon Metaphrastes (Co-supervisors: Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Peregrine Horden) - PhD (2009)
- Mark Guscin, The Tradition of the Image of Edessa. (Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: David Gwynn) - PhD (2015)
- Christopher Hobbs, A Study of the Historia Byzantina of Doukas ( Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD (2016)
- Christina Kakkoura, An annotated critical edition of Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus’ Seven Ethico-political Orations (Co-supervisors: + Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Peregrine Horden) - PhD (2013)
- Sophia Kapetanaki, An annotated critical edition of Makarios Makres's "Life of St Maximos Kausokalyves", "Enconium on the fathers of the seven ecumenical councils", "Consolation of a sick person", "Verses on the Emperor Manuel ll Palaeologos", "Letter to Hieromonic Symeon", "Supplication on barren olive-trees" (Co-supervisors: Julian Chrysostomides and Jonathan Harris; Advisor: Charalambos Dendrinos) - PhD (2002)
- Michael Kaplanoglou, Contribution to the Economic History of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople under the Ottoman Rule (15th-19th c.) (Co-supervisors: Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos) - MPhil (2004)
- Eleni Katsae, The concept of daimon in Homer (Supervisor: Ahuvia Kahane) - PhD
- Chrysovalantis Kyriacou, The Orthodox Church in Late Frankish and Venetian Cyprus (1191-1571): Society, Spirituality and Identity (Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: David Gwynn. External Advisor: Georgios Christodoulou) - PhD (2016)
- Georgios Liakopoulos, The Historical Geography of the Late Byzantine and Early Ottoman Peloponnese (Supervisor: Julian Chrysostomides. External advisor: Metin Berke [Brussels]) - PhD (2008)
- Jarrid Looney, Mrs. Robinson Before and After: An Existential Character Analysis of Euripides’ Hippolytos in Reception (Co-supervisors: Ahuvia Kahane and Edith Hall (KCL)) - PhD
- Andreas Meitanis, Aspects of Violence in Byzantium (Supervisor: Julian Chrysostomides) - PhD (2001)
- Sebastian Moro, Music and Philosophy in the Neo-Platonic tradition (Supervisor: Anne Sheppard) - PhD (2011)
- Fevronia Nousia, Byzantine Textbooks of the Palaeologan Period (13th-15th century) (Co-supervisors: Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos) - PhD (2007)
- Vasos Pasiourtides, An annotated critical edition of Demetrios Chrysoloras’ Dialogue on Demetrios Kydones’ Antirrhetic against Neilos Kabasilas (Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Anne Shappard. External advisor: John Demetracopoulos [Patras]) - PhD (2013)
- Konstantinos Palaiologos, An annotated critical edition of the Refutation of the Error of the Latins by Matthaios Blastares (Co-supervisors: + Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Anne Sheppard) - PhD (2011)
- Nil Palabiyik, The first Greek Printing Press in Constantinople (1625-1626) (Supervisor: Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor: Evrim Binbas) - PhD (2014)
- Kostas Prapoglou, Late Roman residences in Thessalonica (Supervisor: Amanda Claridge) - PhD
- Eleni Rossidou-Koutsou, John Eugenikos' Antirrhetic of the Act of Union of the Churches at the Council of Ferrara-Florence (Co-supervisors: Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos) - PhD (2004)
- Eugenia Russell, Fourteenth Century Byzantine Encomia to St. Demetrius (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD (2009)
- Quentin Russell, Greek Identity in Victorian London: Community and Assimilation (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD (2011)
- Kenneth Scot Parker, The Impact of the Crusades on the Christian Churches of the Near East, 1291-1402 (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD (2011)
- Peggy Shannon, Catharsis, trauma and war in Greek tragedy: an inquiry into the therapeutic potential of Greek tragedy, with special reference to the female experience - PhD
- George Siderountios, Zealot Early Christianity and the Emergence of Anti-Hellenism (Supervisor: David Gwynn) - PhD (2016)
- Dawn Thomas, Galen's Hygiene in Context (Co-supervisors: Peregrine Horden and Charalambos Dendrinos) - PhD (2011)
- Dmitri Tolstoy-Miloslavsky, The Italian Policy of Manuel I Komnenos, 1135-1180 (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD (2008)
- Christos Triantafyllopoulos, An annotated critical edition of the teatise Against the Errors of the Latins by Macarios, Metropolitan of Ankyra (1397-1405) (Co-supervisors: + Julian Chrysostomides and Charalambos Dendrinos. Advisor Peregrine Horden) - PhD (2009)
- Mark Whelan, Sigismund of Luxemburg and the Imperial Response to the Ottoman Turkish Threat, c.1396-1437 (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris) - PhD
- Christopher Wright, The Gattilusi of Lesbos: Diplomacy and Lordship in the Late Medieval Aegean (Supervisor: Jonathan Harris. Advisor: Julian Chrysostomides) - PhD (2006)
- Andrea Zerbini, Production and trade in marginal lands: a study of the Levantine agricultural economy in Late Antiquity (Supervisor: Richard Alston) - PhD (2013)
Further information on the Institute's MPhil/PhD programme is available from Dr Charalambos Dendrinos, Director, The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway, University of London.
